
Showing posts from June, 2013


Sharing from another blog I follow... We're repeatedly exposed to unrealistic cultural images that affect our thinking, so many of us give up and overeat, feeling we can't measure up no matter what we do. [We compare ourselves] because we're uncertain of our identities. Comparisons are our attempt to feel better about ourselves and bolster our esteem. The real issue is, where do you find your esteem? Take the self out of self-esteem and replace it with God-esteem and you have a different picture. If you try to love yourself apart from God, you'll fail. Esteem doesn't come from your appearance, your work, your family, or other people. You're highly esteemed simply because God created and chose you. God doesn't say, "If only she'd lose five pounds, I could love her more." [Yet] “Just five more pounds” is most women's mantra. Focusing on what we think we can control-eating and dieting-can be easier than dealing with issues we feel


So TRUE!  It is easy, as a single person, to become overcommitted and not even notice that it is being used to "stay busy" and avoid what may be "lonely" moments.  However, overcommitment is not productive.  In the alternative, perhaps, some of you know you are overcomitting yourself and want to get out.  Well here are some practical steps we can take: Do not answer immediately. Pray about it, check your calendar, and seek godly counsel if necessary. You may also try screening your calls to avoid feeling pressured into giving an immediate response. Count the cost. Ask yourself: Is committing to this activity/performing this favor going to cut into my time with God, my family, or my partner? Will I be making a one-time commitment, or will this become an on-going responsibility? Pray. God doesn’t intend for you to do everything. If you do accept, communicate your limitations.  Don’t assume that people know your limitations. Make them known up front to avoid being o