
Showing posts from July, 2013

What YOU allow...

Quit calling people who never pick up and/or take forever to call you back! (They lack common courtesy, are into someone else and/or simply using you at THEIR CONVENIENCE) Quit texting people who don’t reply in a reasonable amount of time (They ain’t that busy no matter what they say) Stop chasing after people because they don’t need to be caught! God doesn’t want you pleading and begging for anyone’s attention so STOP THE MADNESS NOW THIS VERY MOMENT! You deserve someone who gladly picks up when you call wanting to hear your voice that makes y'all both smile, replies promptly to your texts and treats you with common decency! YOU BEEN ALLOWING AND PUTTING UP WITH THIS TYPE OF BEHAVIOR TOO LONG! NEVER SETTLE FOR THIS NONSENSE!! ~Repost from a blog I follow


Never try to convince or persuade someone to be in a relationship! You should never have to tell someone WHY they should be with you, THEY SHOULD KNOW! Don’t settle for someone treating you less than you deserve to be treated ever! If they don’t see or know your worth, value, compatibility, beauty inside and out, it’s their loss! Don’t waste your time thinking they are the one because that same thought should be reciprocated for a relationship to really work! You make yourself vulnerable so someone can and will take advantage of that! Meaning-Never try to force love or a relationship because it’s just a matter of time before it ends and ends badly!

This Generation

CONTINUALLY praying for this generation who is being deceived with lies from the enemy telling them it's okay to be attracted to the same sex, dress like the opposite sex trying harder to stand out, giving in to pressure, being disobedient to their parents and the voice of God who will NEVER lead them wrong. Lead them back to YOU Lord! SN: As believers we are to yet pray & show the love of Christ to others in their present state regardless of excuses and strongholds, not condemn them. We have the POWER to bind and loose FREEDOM, we can't always wait on others to do it .

Clearance Rack

Wanted to share this excerpt from a group I follow...As women of God and those striving to be Christlike, it's not easy, but you must see yourself as God does no matter what temptations comes- Funny how items that were once highly valued, attractively displayed, yesterdays treasure, becomes today's trash when it is marked down. The value diminished once the price was lowered. Clearance Rack Love. You are content with being picked up, looked over, fondled and tossed aside. Dropped, stepped on, kicked under the table. He won't even bend over to pick you up. or call, or text. Damaged goods get marked down even MORE. An extra 10% off ! He doesn't even have to take you out. How low will you go? Your season has come to an end too soon. Red marker of low-self worth in your hands, you continue to slash the COST of you. Now its FREE Put it in the flea market called a CLUB, bend it over, display it, let them handle the merchandise, try it on. Now you are begging, for a buyer. C