
Showing posts from October, 2013


TRUE LEADERS: See your potential; are discerning; humble; challenge and convict you so CHANGE can take place; they are not boastful nor do they gossip or throw subliminal darts towards others and their business, political views or personal opinions while ministering... They TRUST the God IN you knowing the Holy Ghost will lead and what they're teaching will flow out of you; have YOUR BEST interest at heart and desires you to be on the level God wants you at without becoming intimidated or threatened; knows that it's NOT about them-souls are in need-and that we belong to God(Romans 14:8), not them, a group, a religion or denomination.


I ran across this and immediately identified with this saying-it has been the story of my life this past year. It TRULY takes a sacrifice from us to see the POWER of God and His blessings for our obedience.  When God speaks and direct us, it's not always comfortable, but worth it in the end...Never second guess if God will ever speak or call you out. He WILL! It's not for everyone to understand.