Peer Pressure & Fitting In

‘Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect’ (Romans 12:2).

o   Peer pressure is doing things you don’t want to do for acceptance

o   It is testing your will to refuse something you don’t want to do

o   It also means giving in and going with the flow so that you don’t become bullied as well

o   It can place you in compromising situations and you can lose TRUE friends behind it also.

o   It can also cause you to grow apart from your old crowd of friends to become popular(think about the movie mean girls)

o   Avoiding peer pressure is almost impossible. Many Christians, especially teens, experience pressure to give up some of their values

o   When you do what’s right, God will know because He knows the intent of your heart

Ways to avoid it:

1.    Pray consistently
2.    Stand on what your were taught and are being taught
3.    Be confident in your faith and recall the word
4.    Meditate on it and think of whether you even truly want it
5.    Find Christian friends and stay away from people you know are a bad influence
6.   Talk to your leader(youth leader, mentor, counselor) if you have one

o   Always speak with confidence! Any signs of weakness and the person pressuring will continue until they have won the battle!

o   Walking away is the last line of defense against anyone. If you cannot do it, you’ve lost your last line of defense

o   Be PROUD of what you’ve done; many people can’t get enough courage to set a course for their own lives and stay on it, avoiding the pressures of others

o   This goes for the saved as well as the unsaved, you can’t hang around things of the old man(nature) and expect to stay delivered, one will draw the other person in

o   Stay on GUARD, the enemy will try to use that same device to distract you later on down the line...just when you think you’ve gotten past or ‘over’ a thing or person

If you know someone who needs help with peer pressure and overcoming, feel free to email me at: and I will assist them. Thank You!


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