
Showing posts from August, 2013

Dating with PURPOSE

★For those who are dating with a purpose,  this is good wisdom. I'm new to dating because I've waited and I'm always seeking God and Godly resources to help me. I pray the following helps...★ Find out what pleases the Lord . This is a command straight out of Ephesians 5:10, and is part of what it means to live a life worthy of our calling as Christians, and part of what it means to live a life of love, just as Christ loved us. Find out what God’s will for your life is . The battle begins in the mind . You need to know what God says about sex and trust what God says about sex. You need to be careful what you fill your minds with. Imagination is often the hot-bed where sin is hatched. Pray (It is a spiritual battle too). Depend on God, on the power of His Holy Spirit to strengthen you in this battle . (Matthew 6:13; 2 Timothy 2:22; James 5:16)  Don't put yourself in situations where you will be easily tempted. There is little point praying that God would n

Preparing for Boaz...

Sharing these words of wisdom from my mentor, Apostle Adrienne Williams... SINGLE SISTERS: As a word of wisdom, BEFORE you sit, wait and pray for God to send "Boaz", please be sure that you have asked God to PREPARE YOU for Boaz's arrival AND thereafter!  As a single woman of God myself (for 10 years), I desire to be married again one day. HOWEVER, I fully understand that in my "singleness", I have developed some ways that would NOT be conducive to "Boaz" being present  in my life UNTIL I allow God to shift MY mindset to CHANGE those ways! In other words, if Boaz came WITHOUT me having dealt with these things PRIOR, then they WILL interfere with the relationship and cause undo strain upon him. Please don't, by any means, get it twisted as I AM NOT saying that we should "change our ways" just to "get" a man! WRONG MOVE! However, what I AM saying is that when CHANGES occur, it should be because WE LOVE GOD and desire to be more

Onan, Er & Tamar

I've always heard about Onan and him spilling his seed to the ground, and it was taught to me as if it was lust and immorality and IT WASN'T!! Onan had a duty to fulfill in place of his brother Er who was so evil in the Lord's sight, He killed him. Because Onan KNEW that the offspring he would produce with Tamar(Er's wife) would not be his, he spilled his seed to the ground to keep from producing- which was also a form of birth control in those times....because of his DISOBEDIENCE and wickedness in the Lord's sight, he was put to death also(Gen. 38:6-10).  God didn't play then and He DOESN'T NOW, we just have chances to get it RIGHT and be WITHOUT excuse!! From now on, I'm going to read for my OWN self, no matter what is told to me or how long it takes ME to get an understanding.

Hearing God...

Just sharing an article I read on hearing the voice of God by Marla Alupoaicei...Enjoy! Have you ever wondered how to hear God's voice above the noise of daily life? Sometimes we hear people say, “God told me such-and-such,” and we secretly wonder, How did you know that was God ? Elizabeth Alves wrote, ‘God spoke to me’ is one of the most misunderstood phrases among His people; it can create misunderstanding, confusion, hurt, rejection, jealousy, pride and other negative responses. Perhaps you have run into someone who feels he or she has an edge on hearing from God . . . If you are unfamiliar with the phrase ‘God told me,’ or you do not understand how to hear God’s voice, you might feel inferior, thinking God never speaks to you. If you’ve never heard God speak to you through the Holy Spirit, don’t worry. I believe you’ll begin to discern the leading of the Holy Spirit as your prayer life becomes more active and powerful. You may hear the Spirit speak within y

Beautiful Woman

Beautiful woman, come out and play, reveal your inner treasures. The sparkle in your eyes, the natural swing in your walk, you radiate excitement and enthusiasm. You need no latest fashion, No expensive hair cuts, No blinding big accessories. You glow in your passions, passionate in your pursuits, you know what you are made of. You are not easily bothered, by the mindless opinions of others, you know very well where you want to go. You are a joy to watch, an inspiration to others, your pure soul an endless marvel. Beautiful woman, let your brilliance shine through -Fion Lim