Onan, Er & Tamar

I've always heard about Onan and him spilling his seed to the ground, and it was taught to me as if it was lust and immorality and IT WASN'T!! Onan had a duty to fulfill in place of his brother Er who was so evil in the Lord's sight, He killed him. Because Onan KNEW that the offspring he would produce with Tamar(Er's wife) would not be his, he spilled his seed to the ground to keep from producing- which was also a form of birth control in those times....because of his DISOBEDIENCE and wickedness in the Lord's sight, he was put to death also(Gen. 38:6-10). 

God didn't play then and He DOESN'T NOW, we just have chances to get it RIGHT and be WITHOUT excuse!! From now on, I'm going to read for my OWN self, no matter what is told to me or how long it takes ME to get an understanding.


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