Preparing for Boaz...

Sharing these words of wisdom from my mentor, Apostle Adrienne Williams...

SINGLE SISTERS: As a word of wisdom, BEFORE you sit, wait and pray for God to send "Boaz", please be sure that you have asked God to PREPARE YOU for Boaz's arrival AND thereafter! 

As a single woman of God myself (for 10 years), I desire to be married again one day. HOWEVER, I fully understand that in my "singleness", I have developed some ways that would NOT be conducive to "Boaz" being present 
in my life UNTIL I allow God to shift MY mindset to CHANGE those ways! In other words, if Boaz came WITHOUT me having dealt with these things PRIOR, then they WILL interfere with the relationship and cause undo strain upon him.

Please don't, by any means, get it twisted as I AM NOT saying that we should "change our ways" just to "get" a man! WRONG MOVE! However, what I AM saying is that when CHANGES occur, it should be because WE LOVE GOD and desire to be more LIKE HIM and WHOLE IN HIM so that we don't damage "Boaz" when he arrives!

In simplicity, do not expect "Boaz" to come in and give EVERYTHING while you give nothing! The same "things" that we seek "Boaz" to offer US are the same "things" that we should be willing to extend to him. I am not not necessarily speaking of "material things" but of SELF.

Let ALL of us "single sisters" take heed....


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