
Showing posts from 2013

Resource Directory

*Please click the link or call the national phone number listed for information in your area* EMERGENCY Dial 9-1-1 DOMESTIC ABUSE HOTLINE 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) HOMELESS/WOMENS SHELTER CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL 1-800-342-2437 PREGNANCY CENTER 800-230-PLAN 888-672-2296 HARBOR HOUSE 1105 E Concord St, Orlando, FL ‎ (407) 893-5787 COLLEGE BOARD FINANCIAL AID HOUSING JOBS/EMPLOYMENT SOCIAL SECURITY PUBLIC SERVICE CHILD ABUSE HOTLINE 1-800-4-A-CHILD 1-800-422-4453 RUNA

Wooden Bowls

A frail old man lived with his son, his daughter-in-law, and his four-year-old grandson. His eyes were blurry, his hands trembled, and his step faltered. The family would eat together nightly at the dinner table. But the elderly grandfather's shaky hands and failing sight made eating rather difficult. Peas rolled off his spoon, drooping to the floor. When he grasped his glass of milk, it often spilled clumsily at the tablecloth. With this happening almost every night, the son and daughter-in-law became irritated with the mess. "We must do something about grandfather," said the son. "I've had enough of his milk spilling, noisy eating and food on the floor," the daughter-in-law agreed. So the couple set a small table at the corner. There, grandfather ate alone while the rest of the family enjoyed their dinner at the dinner table. Since grandfather had broken a dish or two, his food was served in wooden bowls. Sometimes when the family glanced in grandfathe


TRUE LEADERS: See your potential; are discerning; humble; challenge and convict you so CHANGE can take place; they are not boastful nor do they gossip or throw subliminal darts towards others and their business, political views or personal opinions while ministering... They TRUST the God IN you knowing the Holy Ghost will lead and what they're teaching will flow out of you; have YOUR BEST interest at heart and desires you to be on the level God wants you at without becoming intimidated or threatened; knows that it's NOT about them-souls are in need-and that we belong to God(Romans 14:8), not them, a group, a religion or denomination.


I ran across this and immediately identified with this saying-it has been the story of my life this past year. It TRULY takes a sacrifice from us to see the POWER of God and His blessings for our obedience.  When God speaks and direct us, it's not always comfortable, but worth it in the end...Never second guess if God will ever speak or call you out. He WILL! It's not for everyone to understand.

Dating with PURPOSE

★For those who are dating with a purpose,  this is good wisdom. I'm new to dating because I've waited and I'm always seeking God and Godly resources to help me. I pray the following helps...★ Find out what pleases the Lord . This is a command straight out of Ephesians 5:10, and is part of what it means to live a life worthy of our calling as Christians, and part of what it means to live a life of love, just as Christ loved us. Find out what God’s will for your life is . The battle begins in the mind . You need to know what God says about sex and trust what God says about sex. You need to be careful what you fill your minds with. Imagination is often the hot-bed where sin is hatched. Pray (It is a spiritual battle too). Depend on God, on the power of His Holy Spirit to strengthen you in this battle . (Matthew 6:13; 2 Timothy 2:22; James 5:16)  Don't put yourself in situations where you will be easily tempted. There is little point praying that God would n

Preparing for Boaz...

Sharing these words of wisdom from my mentor, Apostle Adrienne Williams... SINGLE SISTERS: As a word of wisdom, BEFORE you sit, wait and pray for God to send "Boaz", please be sure that you have asked God to PREPARE YOU for Boaz's arrival AND thereafter!  As a single woman of God myself (for 10 years), I desire to be married again one day. HOWEVER, I fully understand that in my "singleness", I have developed some ways that would NOT be conducive to "Boaz" being present  in my life UNTIL I allow God to shift MY mindset to CHANGE those ways! In other words, if Boaz came WITHOUT me having dealt with these things PRIOR, then they WILL interfere with the relationship and cause undo strain upon him. Please don't, by any means, get it twisted as I AM NOT saying that we should "change our ways" just to "get" a man! WRONG MOVE! However, what I AM saying is that when CHANGES occur, it should be because WE LOVE GOD and desire to be more

Onan, Er & Tamar

I've always heard about Onan and him spilling his seed to the ground, and it was taught to me as if it was lust and immorality and IT WASN'T!! Onan had a duty to fulfill in place of his brother Er who was so evil in the Lord's sight, He killed him. Because Onan KNEW that the offspring he would produce with Tamar(Er's wife) would not be his, he spilled his seed to the ground to keep from producing- which was also a form of birth control in those times....because of his DISOBEDIENCE and wickedness in the Lord's sight, he was put to death also(Gen. 38:6-10).  God didn't play then and He DOESN'T NOW, we just have chances to get it RIGHT and be WITHOUT excuse!! From now on, I'm going to read for my OWN self, no matter what is told to me or how long it takes ME to get an understanding.

Hearing God...

Just sharing an article I read on hearing the voice of God by Marla Alupoaicei...Enjoy! Have you ever wondered how to hear God's voice above the noise of daily life? Sometimes we hear people say, “God told me such-and-such,” and we secretly wonder, How did you know that was God ? Elizabeth Alves wrote, ‘God spoke to me’ is one of the most misunderstood phrases among His people; it can create misunderstanding, confusion, hurt, rejection, jealousy, pride and other negative responses. Perhaps you have run into someone who feels he or she has an edge on hearing from God . . . If you are unfamiliar with the phrase ‘God told me,’ or you do not understand how to hear God’s voice, you might feel inferior, thinking God never speaks to you. If you’ve never heard God speak to you through the Holy Spirit, don’t worry. I believe you’ll begin to discern the leading of the Holy Spirit as your prayer life becomes more active and powerful. You may hear the Spirit speak within y

Beautiful Woman

Beautiful woman, come out and play, reveal your inner treasures. The sparkle in your eyes, the natural swing in your walk, you radiate excitement and enthusiasm. You need no latest fashion, No expensive hair cuts, No blinding big accessories. You glow in your passions, passionate in your pursuits, you know what you are made of. You are not easily bothered, by the mindless opinions of others, you know very well where you want to go. You are a joy to watch, an inspiration to others, your pure soul an endless marvel. Beautiful woman, let your brilliance shine through -Fion Lim

What YOU allow...

Quit calling people who never pick up and/or take forever to call you back! (They lack common courtesy, are into someone else and/or simply using you at THEIR CONVENIENCE) Quit texting people who don’t reply in a reasonable amount of time (They ain’t that busy no matter what they say) Stop chasing after people because they don’t need to be caught! God doesn’t want you pleading and begging for anyone’s attention so STOP THE MADNESS NOW THIS VERY MOMENT! You deserve someone who gladly picks up when you call wanting to hear your voice that makes y'all both smile, replies promptly to your texts and treats you with common decency! YOU BEEN ALLOWING AND PUTTING UP WITH THIS TYPE OF BEHAVIOR TOO LONG! NEVER SETTLE FOR THIS NONSENSE!! ~Repost from a blog I follow


Never try to convince or persuade someone to be in a relationship! You should never have to tell someone WHY they should be with you, THEY SHOULD KNOW! Don’t settle for someone treating you less than you deserve to be treated ever! If they don’t see or know your worth, value, compatibility, beauty inside and out, it’s their loss! Don’t waste your time thinking they are the one because that same thought should be reciprocated for a relationship to really work! You make yourself vulnerable so someone can and will take advantage of that! Meaning-Never try to force love or a relationship because it’s just a matter of time before it ends and ends badly!

This Generation

CONTINUALLY praying for this generation who is being deceived with lies from the enemy telling them it's okay to be attracted to the same sex, dress like the opposite sex trying harder to stand out, giving in to pressure, being disobedient to their parents and the voice of God who will NEVER lead them wrong. Lead them back to YOU Lord! SN: As believers we are to yet pray & show the love of Christ to others in their present state regardless of excuses and strongholds, not condemn them. We have the POWER to bind and loose FREEDOM, we can't always wait on others to do it .

Clearance Rack

Wanted to share this excerpt from a group I follow...As women of God and those striving to be Christlike, it's not easy, but you must see yourself as God does no matter what temptations comes- Funny how items that were once highly valued, attractively displayed, yesterdays treasure, becomes today's trash when it is marked down. The value diminished once the price was lowered. Clearance Rack Love. You are content with being picked up, looked over, fondled and tossed aside. Dropped, stepped on, kicked under the table. He won't even bend over to pick you up. or call, or text. Damaged goods get marked down even MORE. An extra 10% off ! He doesn't even have to take you out. How low will you go? Your season has come to an end too soon. Red marker of low-self worth in your hands, you continue to slash the COST of you. Now its FREE Put it in the flea market called a CLUB, bend it over, display it, let them handle the merchandise, try it on. Now you are begging, for a buyer. C


Sharing from another blog I follow... We're repeatedly exposed to unrealistic cultural images that affect our thinking, so many of us give up and overeat, feeling we can't measure up no matter what we do. [We compare ourselves] because we're uncertain of our identities. Comparisons are our attempt to feel better about ourselves and bolster our esteem. The real issue is, where do you find your esteem? Take the self out of self-esteem and replace it with God-esteem and you have a different picture. If you try to love yourself apart from God, you'll fail. Esteem doesn't come from your appearance, your work, your family, or other people. You're highly esteemed simply because God created and chose you. God doesn't say, "If only she'd lose five pounds, I could love her more." [Yet] “Just five more pounds” is most women's mantra. Focusing on what we think we can control-eating and dieting-can be easier than dealing with issues we feel


So TRUE!  It is easy, as a single person, to become overcommitted and not even notice that it is being used to "stay busy" and avoid what may be "lonely" moments.  However, overcommitment is not productive.  In the alternative, perhaps, some of you know you are overcomitting yourself and want to get out.  Well here are some practical steps we can take: Do not answer immediately. Pray about it, check your calendar, and seek godly counsel if necessary. You may also try screening your calls to avoid feeling pressured into giving an immediate response. Count the cost. Ask yourself: Is committing to this activity/performing this favor going to cut into my time with God, my family, or my partner? Will I be making a one-time commitment, or will this become an on-going responsibility? Pray. God doesn’t intend for you to do everything. If you do accept, communicate your limitations.  Don’t assume that people know your limitations. Make them known up front to avoid being o


#LADIES: Let God accomplish His work thoroughly when your single man is undistracted. Issues settled in a person's life while single limit unnecessary stress and difficulty later in a marriage.  Psalm 37:7 says, ' Rest in the Lord and wait PATIENTLY for Him ....'  Wait not for a man or a preconceived perfect future, but for Him. -Good WISDOM from 'Lady In Waiting' by Jackie Kendall and Debby Jones.

Speak IT!

Wanted to share this from a Cindy Trimm article. When a ship sets sail to cross the sea, the pilot plots out the course. Then he determines the times he will need to adjust the direction of the ship to follow the course he has set. He checks his calculations from time to time to ensure he is always headed in the right direction, and then he keeps the steering as steady as possible heading towards his predetermined destination.   Certainly along the way he may have to adjust the helm to go around storms, navigate currents, or avoid obstacles in the water, but he always steers with his focus more on where he is going than what he is going through. If he constantly changes the steering from one minute to the next fixated on his present circumstances, the ship is more likely to go in circles than it is to arrive at the desired port of call. For the pilot, the course is created first in his thoughts, communicated through the rudder, and then realized as the rest of the ship lines up






Just Sharing-(From Teens have a lot of questions—and most of them never get asked. They just hold them inside, often afraid they will be condemned for even having a question.  Sadly, the questions and often the conclusions they draw are based on faulty information—immaturity, skewed perspective, fallible logic, or just bad assumptions. We have found that the teens really open up to this Q&A time! They ask deep, sincere, and well-thought questions. Actually, I’m always amazed and deeply impacted by the questions they ask. My burden for teens greatly increases when I get a glimpse of what’s really on their minds through their questions. If you haven’t noticed lately, the “because I said so” approach doesn’t work with teens. This Q&A time creates an hour where the teens are given the opportunity to “set the agenda.” Here are a few thoughts: Why Teens Don’t Ask Questions: 1. Fear of Rejection —they are simply afraid that their question will ostracize them

True Story

(Just sharing this story I read) True life story Written by a COLLEGE GIRL before she DIED..... I Took Off My UNDERWEAR.. I used to be that innocent girl who had the world at her feet. I was beautiful and I had eyes and HIPS that could make men sway, and to top it all up, I was a Christian, a very good Christian with a heart burning for God. When I entered the university, I met a guy, his name was DERRICK. I couldn't believe my luck the first time I bumped into him on my way to class, he had such a kind smile and a tender look that weakened my knees when he spoke. Because I was late for class we couldn't talk much but barely three weeks later, I met him at the fresher’s night party and I was overwhelmed. We got talking and I found out that he was in his second year and from that night, we became an inseparable pair. At first, we were friends and as months passed by, we got closer and closer and the chemistry between us was undeniable. About a year after I entered the univers

Living Single

Keys for Living Single (From God 1st Relationships) If you are not careful, you will waste years being PREOCCUPIED with and worrying about pursuing prospective mates at the expense of your own personal development and refinement. When you work hard on yourself, education and improving yourself, you will cause others who want to be with you to come up a little higher! You Are Valuable!


Keep yourself up ladies, no matter where you are in this season of your life, know that you're beautiful just the way you are and that there's nothing wrong with wanting to look nice! Do it in moderation and remember you don't have to show any skin to get a brothers attention or anyone to notice you...In fact, you don't need to have a significant other in your life to stay looking nice. Until I learned that I am unique and one of a kind, I wanted to dress and look like the others I saw around me that were trying to get me to conform. Be original!

Love Vs. Lust

As Believers, we should be living abstinent lifestyles. However, the trick of the enemy is to distort and pervert our view of what LOVE truly is; thus causing compromise. Here is a gentle reminder that we are all WORTH WAITING FOR! ;-)


TRUTH LADIES, and a TRUE man of God does this-anyone else who comes along with words, looks, trying to get you to compromise your value and time isn't worth it...



TRUE Leaders


Purity, a virtue

Sharing what I've read and learned concerning purity- (from If I were to compliment your purse, you would likely be flattered and say thank you.  However, if I were to ask you if I could have it, you would probably say no, right? No matter how much I said I liked it or how cute I thought it was, the chances of you just giving it to me are probably pretty slim. Now if that’s the case, the question that begs to be asked is ‘Why are you more protective of your purse than your body and your heart?’ Ladies, we must learn to guard our bodies and our hearts rather than freely give them to anyone with a few nice compliments that make us feel good. So you may be asking, ‘Why should we as Christians strive to maintain (or regain) our purity?’ First and foremost, because we love God and He said so! We don’t just avoid sex because we don’t want to get pregnant or to prevent STDs. As Christians we abstain from sex until marriage because we love God and that’s wha

Christianity & The Single Woman

Good WISDOM and I wanted share- ( by Uniting Women and Teenage Girls to Impact Their World) If you are an unmarried Christian woman, you are more blessed than you think.   Single women are in a very good position to truly fulfill God’s purpose for their lives.  Most importantly, God can use single women in His Ministry much better than He can use married women.  Our God loves devotion, complete devotion.  At the same time, He loves marriage, and a sense of family.  He knows that a married person is much more likely to be torn apart, because of the spouse’s beliefs or family considerations. A married woman has to make time for the family, so as to keep it strong and intact, which pleases God. But a single woman, is much more available for God to use. The most important thing to realize is that, it will happen at the best possible time.  The best thing you could do now is to allow God to work in your life, allow Him to use you, while you are still available. Just relax and let Him