Purity, a virtue

Sharing what I've read and learned concerning purity-
(from thechristiansinglewoman.com)

If I were to compliment your purse, you would likely be flattered and say thank you. 
However, if I were to ask you if I could have it, you would probably say no, right? No matter how much I said I liked it or how cute I thought it was, the chances of you just giving it to me are probably pretty slim.

Now if that’s the case, the question that begs to be asked is ‘Why are you more protective of your purse than your body and your heart?’ Ladies, we must learn to guard our bodies and our hearts rather than freely give them to anyone with a few nice compliments that make us feel good.

So you may be asking, ‘Why should we as Christians strive to maintain (or regain) our purity?’

First and foremost, because we love God and He said so! We don’t just avoid sex because we don’t want to get pregnant or to prevent STDs. As Christians we abstain from sex until marriage because we love God and that’s what He has commanded.

  • “God’s will is for you to be holy, so stay away from all sexual sin. Then each of you will control his own body and live in holiness and honor” - I Thessalonians 4:3-4 NLT
  •  God designed sex for marriage (Gen 2:24)
  • "A man will…be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh”
  • Sexual immorality is raping God (I Cor 6:12-20)
  • Sexual immorality is cheating (I Thess 4:3-8)
    - It cheats you
    - It cheats your future spouse
    - It cheats the other person
    - It cheats the other person’s future spouse
Jesus bought you, so He calls the shots (though He gives us choices). Since God’s spirit lives inside you, to force Him to have sex with someone He doesn’t want to is rape.

It seems the definition of purity is often limited to sexual purity. While sexual purity is indeed a large part of living a life of purity, it is not at all the only part.

  • Living a life of purity is more than just abstaining from sex. The definition of purity involves the way you interact with people. It includes what you think about and how you spend your time. Christian purity is a matter of totally committing your life to God.
  • Purity is more than just setting a few limits in your dating life. It’s more than a list of dos & don’ts. The definition of purity is a TOTAL commitment of your life to God (a commitment to Godliness in every area of your life).
  • If that seems a bit far-reaching, keep in mind the goal of a Christian single woman is not win any popularity contests or impress people, but to honor God with her life.  Don't try to find out how far you can go, but rather determine how you can best honor God with your life, your mind, your body.
  • Living a life of purity starts with your choices. Now that’s not to say it will always be easy because in reality, sometimes it will require you to make tough choices.
  • However, God loves us so much that although He created us, He does not force us to obey Him. He does not want us to be spiritual robots, He wants us to freely choose to live for Him. What are you doing with the freedom of choice He’s given you?
  • “So I say, let the Holy Spirit guide your lives. Then you won’t be doing what your sinful nature craves.” - Galatians 5:16 NLT
Ladies, you can begin again if you have lost your virginity by taking the Secondary Virginity Pledge-for more information, questions and/or concerns, please email me at girl.talk@live.com


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