
Showing posts from March, 2013

Love Vs. Lust

As Believers, we should be living abstinent lifestyles. However, the trick of the enemy is to distort and pervert our view of what LOVE truly is; thus causing compromise. Here is a gentle reminder that we are all WORTH WAITING FOR! ;-)


TRUTH LADIES, and a TRUE man of God does this-anyone else who comes along with words, looks, trying to get you to compromise your value and time isn't worth it...



TRUE Leaders


Purity, a virtue

Sharing what I've read and learned concerning purity- (from If I were to compliment your purse, you would likely be flattered and say thank you.  However, if I were to ask you if I could have it, you would probably say no, right? No matter how much I said I liked it or how cute I thought it was, the chances of you just giving it to me are probably pretty slim. Now if that’s the case, the question that begs to be asked is ‘Why are you more protective of your purse than your body and your heart?’ Ladies, we must learn to guard our bodies and our hearts rather than freely give them to anyone with a few nice compliments that make us feel good. So you may be asking, ‘Why should we as Christians strive to maintain (or regain) our purity?’ First and foremost, because we love God and He said so! We don’t just avoid sex because we don’t want to get pregnant or to prevent STDs. As Christians we abstain from sex until marriage because we love God and that’s wha

Christianity & The Single Woman

Good WISDOM and I wanted share- ( by Uniting Women and Teenage Girls to Impact Their World) If you are an unmarried Christian woman, you are more blessed than you think.   Single women are in a very good position to truly fulfill God’s purpose for their lives.  Most importantly, God can use single women in His Ministry much better than He can use married women.  Our God loves devotion, complete devotion.  At the same time, He loves marriage, and a sense of family.  He knows that a married person is much more likely to be torn apart, because of the spouse’s beliefs or family considerations. A married woman has to make time for the family, so as to keep it strong and intact, which pleases God. But a single woman, is much more available for God to use. The most important thing to realize is that, it will happen at the best possible time.  The best thing you could do now is to allow God to work in your life, allow Him to use you, while you are still available. Just relax and let Him


Beauty (‘Lady In Waiting” by Jackie Kendall & Debby Jones) The world has convinced many Christians that the only way to get a man’s attention is through a gorgeous body. The word of God very clearly warns women not to fall into “the body beautiful trap”. Your beauty should not come from outward adornment such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothing (1 Pet. 3:2 NIV). Although braided hair and the gold jewelry are not wrong in and of themselves, real beauty is not found on the outside. This verse does not advocate homeliness as proof of godliness.  Some women are under the misguided perception that to be holy, one must look homely. This is not true. Women should seek to look their best-challenge yourself to not devote all of your energies towards painting the outside, thus neglecting enduring qualities that need developing on the inside.

Avoiding Bozos

I was led to share this good WISDOM & sound, biblical advice on dating. Avoiding Bozos (From ‘Lady In Waiting’ by Jackie Kendall & Debby Jones) What is Bozo? A Bozo is a guy who’s outward appearance is a facade. It is hard to discern who he really is because of the “makeup and costume” he wears.  What he appears to be physically, socially, and even spiritually is just a performance. A Bozo is a counterfeit of a Boaz. It is possible to avoid such a clown. Your standards and convictions will help your recognize the difference. As a prerequisite to every date, you should EXAMINE your MOTIVE. Are you going out with this guy because you haven’t had a date in years? Are you going out with someone who may not really be a Christian because you think a date-even with a Bozo-is better than no date at all? Many women spend time with guys who do not really care for them. They would rather waste an evening with a Bozo than face another lonely night in a dateless condit


1 Tim 2:9-10: ‘Likewise also that women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel, with modesty and self-control'   Your parents have the final say before you leave the house. How you dress reflects your heart. Body image, certain things you wear attracts the wrong attention, even if it’s unintentional and not meant to be in the manner that you’re dressed in. Flaunting your body(sensual dress) can attract the wrong perception from people you least expect. If you dress with tights on as pants(and that’s not the way they are to be worn), all people are going to see is what’s below your waist, like you’re all that and the same goes for shirts and dresses. people will disrespect you.. Some of your favorite stars dress this way but that’s just for performance purposes. You don’t know how they dress behind the scenes. Purity is something that should be treasured, and sensual dress removes the purity in the heart first, then in the body.   You can


#SINGLESAVEDLADIES: You ARE WORTH GREAT VALUE...Never compromise or settle for less than what YOU KNOW you deserve, and if you have to worry over the small things it's NOT worth your time or attention-what YOU allow is what will CONTINUE. SN: When you ask God to reveal what you need to know and HE DOES, don't be surprised, MOVE on it-

Stay Focused!

Proverbs 4:14-15 'Do not set foot on the path of the wicked or walk in the way of evil men. Avoid it, do not travel on it; turn from it and go on your way' Allow NOTHING to distract you or change your focus on anything. I learned yesterday from my first lady that I have to go WITH God, not what others want to do. God honors OBEDIENCE, and the choices you make won't be easy at first but in the long run God ALWAYS reveals himself!

Celebrate YOU!

#SINGLESAVEDLADIES(and Gents): Celebrate YOU, whether there is a significant other in your lives or not, know that GOD loves you and has surrounded you with people who love and want THE BEST for you!  Just because a couple is married, engaged doesn't mean they are happy and where God wants them to be and if dating, you're STILL single(not taken)until God says otherwise...EMBRACE your singleness because there's going to come a time when you'll wish you would have cherished this season-we must CONTINUALLY seek HIS WILL!


#SINGLESAVEDLADIES: If you have to play detective, snoop, worry about a brother and what he's doing all the time because YOU ALREADY KNOW he's lying, insecure, not it or being faithful, tracking you down and just there...It's NOT worth it and you need to LET IT GO...No situation or person should dictate you or take the place of YOUR WORTH or PURPOSE. You're MORE than what you allow.  SN: Just a thought, not talking about anyone, LOL. If it applies, it's time for CHANGE and for you to take CHARGE and use your God-given POWER, AUTHORITY, WISDOM & DISCERNMENT!!


Don't allow anyone to take you out of character and what you believe-we're in a fight against the enemy who wants to pull on you and make you do things you've never considered, but because it looks and seems good, it will test you to see your reaction- Don't give in-get someone to hold you accountable for your actions who will hold you up in prayer and SPEAK LIFE into you. If you don't have anyone positive around you, email me at


“Anyone who   claims   to be in the light, but hates his brother is still in the darkness”  ( 1John 2:9) What we see influences what we think and what we think influences what we become and what we do.   Biblical examples are: 1.   Esau and Jacob-( Esau held a grudge against his brother Jacob-Genesis 27:41 2.   Joseph’s brothers-(Joseph was the youngest, they hated and bullied him, betrayed him and sold him into slavery to Egypt, Genesis 37:4) Types and ways of bullying: o    Computer Games o    Social Media o    In and out of the classroom Physical Bullies-  They are action-oriented. This type of bullying includes hitting or kicking the victim, or, taking or damaging the victim's property. Verbal Bullies -  They use words to hurt or humiliate another person. Verbal bullying includes name-calling, insulting, making racist comments and constant teasing. It is quick and to the point. Relational or Relationship Bullies -  They try to convince their