Avoiding Bozos

I was led to share this good WISDOM & sound, biblical advice on dating.

Avoiding Bozos
(From ‘Lady In Waiting’ by Jackie Kendall & Debby Jones)

What is Bozo? A Bozo is a guy who’s outward appearance is a facade. It is hard to discern who he really is because of the “makeup and costume” he wears. 

What he appears to be physically, socially, and even spiritually is just a performance. A Bozo is a counterfeit of a Boaz.

It is possible to avoid such a clown. Your standards and convictions will help your recognize the difference.

As a prerequisite to every date, you should EXAMINE your MOTIVE. Are you going out with this guy because you haven’t had a date in years?

Are you going out with someone who may not really be a Christian because you think a date-even with a Bozo-is better than no date at all?

Many women spend time with guys who do not really care for them. They would rather waste an evening with a Bozo than face another lonely night in a dateless condition. Some women even give up their biblical convictions in order to get a date with a certain guy.

Do you feel as though you allow your dating schedule to determine your personal worth?

Many single women are prisoners of the world’s dating syndrome. They equate their self-worth with how many dates they had last month.

Qualities of Mr. Right

Jesus is #1 in his life, not just an ornament (Eph. 5:18).

Broken; understands how to rely totally upon Jesus (Phil. 4:13).

Ministry Minded; wherever he is, he is available (1 Cor. 4:2 NIV).

Motivator: man of vision, concerned about lost souls (Rom. 10:14).

Sensitive Spirit: in tune to the needs of others (Gal. 6:2).

Understands the awesome responsibility of a husband (Eph. 5:25-31).

Humble enough to be a disciple (teachable) and able to disciple others (Mt. 28:19-20).

Man of prayer; he knows the key to success is his private time with God (Col. 4:2).

Family man; he desires to have children and raise them properly for God’s glory (Prov. 22:6).

Clear standards for dating and relating will guard you against compromise and making wrong choices out of sudden emotion rather than a God-directed will.

To guard you against haphazard feelings or just the “WF’s” (weird feelings) in your heart, you need standards for which you will be accountable.

If you need help in overcoming, please email me at girl.talk@live.com.


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