
Showing posts from January, 2013

EMBRACE your singleness!!

** I ran across this blog for Christian Single Women and wanted to share. ** Ladies, EMBRACE your singleness and don't rush a relationship to happen for your life to begin, we have time to become what God wants us to become NOW.  ** Discover what YOU like, enjoy the time you have and walk it out while you can! There will come a time when you won't have enough hours in the day to do what you have to do. ALWAYS GO WITH GOD and what He's saying, not man who often move and say things through emotion. It's All Good Sometimes it's hard to envision something as good when it seems so bad on the surface. When I start having one of my ‘woe is me’ moments and feeling this way I often think back to the object lesson of baking a cake. Think about the ingredients required to bake a cake: flour, eggs, sugar, oil, etc. Individually, they are not at all appealing but once mixed together and baked in an oven, they all combine to make a very tasty dessert. Similarly, indiv

These People

This was written by my oldest brother, Alvin Buchanan. What’s wrong with people? They keep attitudes all the time Rob and kill each other everyday Rape and molest children People have a frightening thought process How do you what they’ll do next? Homes and businesses are burglarized Kidnappings have become frequent Parents are murdering their offspring Family is quick to stab you in the back I don’t understand people at all They take advantage of one another They say cruel things to hurt one’s feelings Spread rumors to defame character People envy, but only look from the outside People are very negative when they’re miserable I wish I could escape people! I don’t feel I’m built for real life Sometimes I feel like I’m something else People enjoy more lies’ than truth I guess it’s easier to deal with My heart goes out to these people I don’t think they know the harm they do in the world all the time If so, what triggers it off? Where


The following is GREAT WISDOM from the book Lady In Waiting (Jackie Kendall & Debby Jones) that has blessed me and I pray what I share does the same for you- Statistics often provoke single women to take more initiative rather than patiently wait for God's best. There are grave consequences for the single woman who does not choose to develop patience and wait on God's timing. Impatience to find a man can cause a woman to argue about her 'right' to date a man who is not Godly, maybe not even a Christian. In Joshua 23:12-14 the Lord warns His people not to marry unbelievers. God knows that an ungodly husband will end up being 'snares and traps for you, whips on your backs and thorns in your eyes'. Many young women argue that they are just dating, not marrying an unbeliever. But think about this-in our society, does anyone ever marry someone he or she never dated? Every date is a potential mate. Marriage to a non-Christian brings pain

The Media, Mindfights and Overcoming

                                               The Media, Mindfights and Overcoming 'Bring EVERY thought under captivity to the obedience of Christ" (2 Corinthians 10:5) MINDFIGHTS : Mindfights are thoughts (mainly negative) that the enemy plants in your mind every time you go through a particular things. It sometimes causes you to think irrational, quick, or give in to peer pressure. The word tells us that "No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful: he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it."(1 Corinthians 10:13). One way the enemy seeks to devour youth and adults alike is through movies, these reality shows and how the women feel lavish and real living is, which is deception. Money can't buy happiness and you don't know what these 'stars' actually do to 'prepare' or how miserabl


LADIES: It's not MODEST to flaunt "what u got" no matter what your measurements are. Why flaunt it? A true man of God doesn't need or want to see all that until his wedding night. Modesty says if you COVER it, something is left to his imagination, and God gets glory out of that, rather a sister showing all God gave her...#TRUTH, and as I stated earlier if a brother sees you, he sees you and there's NOT A THING you have to change- R U N if he immediately decides to tell you what to do and how to look. Something is wrong and that's why God gives us ALL WISDOM and why us single sisters have to get to know people and guard our hearts in EVERY situation.

Covering Up...

#SingleSavedLadies-If he sees you, he sees you and there's NOTHING you have to do, wear or change to get a Godly brother-What we wear is a reflection of US and who we are as a person. Make sure it's positive attention...It's one thing to not know because you weren't taught and another to KNOW and stay the same.

Your WORTH! You're NO drive-thru...

LADIES: The characteristics of a Drive Thru, Cheap, Easy and Convenient. Are you a Drive thru?....Are you a Happy Meal...? Well then of course hes lovin it....and he will be texting you his order around midnight.... Ladies KNOW your WORTH, stop the enemy in his tracks and shut the do if you sense and know why that man only calling you at night...If he respects you he won't go there and there's NOTHING you have to do to keep him...Inbox or email me at if you need help in overcoming/shattering the myth that you HAVE to keep a man this wa That's a LIE from the enemy-

Daughters and Fathers

A little misspelled but SO TRUE...little girls DO need their fathers or a male role model in their lives so they know how they're supposed to be treated and guided. I used to want my father so bad in my life, especially during my teens...God CLEARLY has filled that void through showing/ revealing HIMSELF to me and I'm learning. Mothers, It's NOT a good idea to bad talk the child's father and implant the wrong ideas because your relationship went sour; they have to learn their fathers THEMSELVES-

Real Talk

#REALTALKLADIES: I was stopped in my tracks because someone asked my opinion on sex and masturbation and all I could think about was a class I recently took with my mentor, Apostle Adrienne Williams and the scriptures that were given and God is leading me to address it because this is a REAL stronghold and people are struggling because this is kept quiet, which leads to people feeling may input also * Masturbation is an issue as well(among married and single, it is stimulating yourself) * Adam knew Eve, which means they were intimate(Gen 4:1/1 Cor. 6:12-20) * We must glorify our own bodies, not sin against it (1 John 4:4) * A lot of people live under guilt and condemnation. but can overcome through the power of God * God’s grace and mercy can keep you (1 John 1:9) * God is there and you have the power within (2 Cor 12) * Activities such as movies, magazines and shows that stimulate you must be avoided and brought under subjection * Shield your ear and eyegates so that yo


#SINGLESAVEDLADIES: We’re supposed to be SATISFIED in our singleness, not waiting on the right time or person to come our way and complete who we are...and just because you may be courting or in a relationship doesn't mean you're taken. You're STILL single until God says otherwise and MUST stay BUSY about God's business. SN: refuse to allow man or a man to make you feel as if their presence completes and you can finally go forward OVER God himself who is a jealous God(Ex 34:14) and may be keeping you from your Boaz because of what you may do or how your focus will shift. Be YOURSELF and love GOD above all-