EMBRACE your singleness!!

** I ran across this blog for Christian Single Women and wanted to share.

** Ladies, EMBRACE your singleness and don't rush a relationship to happen for your life to begin, we have time to become what God wants us to become NOW. 

** Discover what YOU like, enjoy the time you have and walk it out while you can! There will come a time when you won't have enough hours in the day to do what you have to do.

ALWAYS GO WITH GOD and what He's saying, not man who often move and say things through emotion.

It's All Good

Sometimes it's hard to envision something as good when it seems so bad on the surface. When I start having one of my ‘woe is me’ moments and feeling this way I often think back to the object lesson of baking a cake.

Think about the ingredients required to bake a cake: flour, eggs, sugar, oil, etc.

Individually, they are not at all appealing but once mixed together and baked in an oven, they all combine to make a very tasty dessert.

Similarly, individual events in life may not seem very pleasant either, but together they all work to make up a very blessed life.

Singleness is not a Curse

Life is all about relationships, but for some reason we tend to make it about the lack of one relationship. You are not incomplete because you are not a part of a couple. You are a whole woman just as you are. So be sure to enjoy all the relationships in your life.

Singleness doesn’t have to be a burden, it’s actually a great opportunity to serve. Enjoy this time just getting to know yourself and God better. Granted, some days that will be easier said than done, but believe me, it is possible.

I'll say this once again, singleness is not a bad thing! In fact, many single women have gone on to live very full, well-balanced lives. Some have even gotten married and started families, which just goes to prove you're not necessarily destined to be single forever.

Don't put your life on hold waiting to be married. Also, don't wait until you're sick and tired of being sick and tired to start enjoying your life. There is no reason why you can enjoy a full life right now.

Be encouraged my sister you’re single, not dead.


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