Hard Times

It’ s gotten tough

Life is no easy task

You are blessed to wake up in the morning

It doesn’t to say a prayer for a brighter day

Countries fued over who runs what part of the world

Jobs have become a needle in a haystack

Nothing is safe to eat anymore

What’s on your mind is the only source of privacy you have nowadays

Everywhere you look another business is shutting down

People get laid off on a regular basis

Crimes have also increased

More people are getting robbed out in the streets

I guess everythings fine if you don’t worry about these things

I’d wake up if I were you

Technology has taken over man

Why isn’t it vice versa?

I’ll admit it

I’m afraid to see what this world will come to in the future

Nothing is a piece of cake anymore

You’re lucky to even get crumbs off the street

The Destitute stand out in the streets begging for change

80% of the day cars roll on by with no concern

Times have definitely changed

Are they for the better or worse?

I’m thirty one

But this economy makes me feel 42!

What do our children have to look forward to?

I guess the internet and a war every now and then will save the world!

Money has turned into a plague if you ask me

More people want it than more people need it

But the majority of those who want it don’t need it

We call this greed!

We all are in the hands of God

He knows what to do

There lies a question

Do we know what to do

-Alvin Buchanan


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