Lady In Waiting

I just wanted to share something that recently happened that I had a misconception about because of my past and it was frowned upon because of the positions I held.

A brother wanted to have a conversation and I immediately got defensive, not knowing their motives and my mother 'gently' rebuked me by telling me not to be so defensive and suspicious all the time and that there is nothing wrong with establishing conversation and allowing things to flow as they Gods will. She ended up by telling me to smile and relax!

God is working on me and she was RIGHT! There's nothing wrong with conversing with the opposite sex-it's all in the way YOU carry yourself and whether they see God in you or not. I fellowship with men who are gospel rappers and spoken word artists all the time for events and in general, but this was different. I actually thought I had done something wrong because I was approached.

Respect in this area is new to me-This may not seem like a big deal to some, but if you knew how I used to be and what I was led to believe, you would also thank God for allowing you to see yourself!

Also, a few pointers concerning waiting on God and a book I'm reading about being a Lady in Waiting(Jackie Kendall & Debby Jones)are:

Now is the time to devote myself FULLY to God while I can, not sit around
Singleness is NOT a curse.

A woman with a pure heart for God does not focus on what He gives, but delights in WHO He is

Your heart is the key to devotion with God
As a Woman, you have been created with a desire to be knownAn unmarried woman or virgin is concerned about the Lord’s affairs

Becoming a Lady In Waiting, devoted to loving, knowing and seeking God will not come cheaply.

You are the one who determines the depths of your relationship with God

God has given you precious, privileged time

That's all for now, Enjoy your evening!



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