
Showing posts from November, 2012

Respect for Women

**This is an excerpt from an article I read online about Respect for Women. Some words may be harsh, but it's TRUTH and some girls ARE taught at an early age that sex BEFORE marriage is okay and that it's okay to do and act unladylike in certain situations. I pray that God uses me to help shatter this myth of deception. ** In 1 Thessalonians 4:3-8, the word tells us:   3 For this is the will of God, your sanctification; that is, that you abstain from sexual immorality; 4 that each of you know how to possess his own vessel in sanctification and honor, 5 not in lustful passion, like the Gentiles who do not know God; 6 and that no man transgress and defraud his brother in the matter because the Lord is the avenger in all these things, just as we also told you before and solemnly warned you. 7 For God has not called us for the purpose of impurity, but in sanctification. 8 So, he who rejects this is not rejecting man but the God who gives His Holy Spi

Abstinence & Starting Over...It's possible!

*This information was posted by one of my spiritual sisters, it inspired me and I am led to share and not condemn anyone, because most young ladies and single women don't realize that they CAN start over and need this. *I didn't have anyone to tell me this information, I was just told to stay away from guys and the type of girls that they liked. I realize that some parents don't know HOW to address this topic and that's okay-I thank God for NOW. I do THANK Veronica Seaboorne for speaking unwaivering TRUTH as God leads and I pray this blesses the reader. ABSTINENCE (Waiting Until Marriage) If you WAIT UNTIL MARRIAGE, you can: Know that a person likes you because of who you are and not because you will “go all the way” Have self-respect and respect from others because of standing firm and accomplishing a goal Know trust, honesty and patience Experience peace of mind Develop true intimacy Have a clear conscience Discover the true meaning of l

Thoughts...My Biological Father

I was about to write about guys for my girls only workshop and suddenly felt at a loss for words. I need to talk to my father. I just want to talk to him because I haven’t and I want a relationship with him. I want to know why he left me, and refused to call me over the years. he has my number and STILL  hasn't  called me. I want to develop a relationship with him. I don’t know what it’s like to have a natural father in my life besides God and I feel like a piece of me is missing, a part of the puzzle is missing. I’m not expecting a grand entrance or tearful reunion because I'm not a sensitive person, I just want answers and to talk to him, maybe introduce salvation to him. I don’t want him to die without knowing his only daughter loved him and just wanted him to be there in his life. Relationships change, and people change but my love for him...(God’s love is first)...NEVER died, in spite of what he did. It’s like I was always waiting for him to come around and just ta

How Long?!

Okay, so I thought I’d share this. It caught my eye a few minutes ago- think I wrote this last year or the beginning of this year. I don’t know if this was mean to be a poem and not sure what I was going through. I’m guessing it’s the moment I questioned God and asked myself: Am I just functioning, am I in the will of God and this isn't where I’m supposed to be! How Long? I was reflecting on this year and how grateful I am to be where I am, and at the same time, disappointed, thinking how and why did I get myself into other things, and God said” How long are you going to mourn over this? Be regretful over that? Stay there and you know that’s not your place? I’ve moved on... Too many times we sit back, looking and wondering what could’ve, should’ve and would’ve been done to prevent circumstances in the dimension God has us in; when it’s long gone from God’s memory, you’ve grown and finally focused where weakness once was. “The spirit of LIFE has set me free’(Roma


**I wanted to share. This was written by my Spiritual Mother, Prophetess Ethel Buchanan ( I was just discussing with a saint,an issue that is growing worse in many ministries online and face to face houses of worship. People actually become vexed and jaws puff up, when a leader mentions FINANCES! The teaching of "sowing and reaping" principles bring yawns, immediate deleting of emails, and rapid scrolling past statuses. There is the sound that hits Gods ears of "they always asking for money." GUESS WHY? Because people are ALWAYS NOT being obedient to the leading of God to GIVE! We come to websites, expecting it to be up and running, we call in for counseling and teleconference calls, expecting the line to be open, we pull up on the parking lot expecting the lights to be on and  the heat pumping. But we want to put the "complimentary" dollar in the offering plate, and think we really have dobe something great, and KNOW you h

Forming Impressions

‘But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light’.(1 Peter 2:9) I was doing a Case Study for a class and ran across four concepts that Social Psychologist deem important in assessing others, which are; 1. Sources of Information (Sources and types of information that that helps form impressions of others) 2. Snap and Systematic  Judgments (Retaining first impressions and intentional reflections) 3. Attributions (Assuming we know the causes of another’s behavior) 4. Cognitive Distortions (Taking an easy way to define others by using social categorization and stereotyping) I thought about all of these concepts and how man has a system for judging a person based on what  we see, hear and read about an individual, but God is the total opposite! As a chosen generation we are to walk and talk in our God given identity-


*Thought I'd share, this is identical to what my mentor has been teaching me on Wisdom & Knowledge Wisdom and Knowledge of God by K. J. Kehler " For the wisdom of this world is foolishness to God ." (1 Corinthians 3:19). During my Bible reading one week I began to reflect on how little any one person knows and how limited one person's wisdom is. Each of us have some insights, knowledge and wisdom, but the scope is usually fairly narrow and limited to our sphere of influence and knowledge--our world.  We are good at what we do and have gained wisdom and knowledge regarding  our special interests and experience. But if we were suddenly placed in a new , unfamiliar position or found ourselves in a foreign city unable to speak the language, not knowing how to find a bathroom, we quickly  become aware of limitations. Our knowledge and experience will not help us. We need someone to help us. When we consider the seven billion people in the world - each

Girls & Intervention

*This is my perspective on Girls  Support Groups  and Intervention*     Both single and married parents spend so much time consumed with working to  provide  for their children, especially their daughters who face more peer pressure than their sons. Most women  also desire to show their daughters an example of a strong role model, so they forget to mentally and physically nourish them and cultivate their gifts. I know because I was never encouraged as a young girl and just now realizing the greatness in me. The focus of this paper is to discuss troubled girls, different types of support groups and the benefits and things taught in support groups. No mother wants to see her daughter in this position, but the little things, such as an attitude change and resentment are cries for help that can be quickly identified and helped and not looked at as a phase in some cases.     Troubled girls come from all walks of life. Recently, this mother of one that I know who is able to provide for h

Be your Sisters(and Brothers) Keeper!

I didn't know October was Domestic Violence awareness month until I saw a post about it, but while I  was completing a final review and wondered why so many women stay in certain situations and don’t report them and I found that, according to society: Gender based violence is coercion that is understood, explained or justified in terms of gender roles, gender difference and gender inequality. Three kinds of Gender Based Violence are: Intimate Partner Violence, Sexual Harassment, Sexual Assault and Rape. The five characteristics that they all share are: 1. They are often regarded as private issues between a man and a woman that should not concern government and legal institutions. 2. Women are often seen as causing the violence against them, a situation we will label victim precipitation, thus relieving the male perpetrators of guilt. 3. Women are often seen as consenting to the violence of coercive behavior, which also shifts the blame to them from the per


When you know who you are, you understand You can keep going long after you can't. hurt comes and circumstances arise You understand that through trust you become strengthened In loneliness, there is  comfort In pain, there is healing You know that friends walk away and Material things don’t really matter You learn to forgive as only God would And reach a state of maturity for yourself Knowing who you are comes through your relationship with God And experiencing His power  in your OWN life As you gravitate to the word and apply it You  have the power to speak LIFE Purpose and destiny into yourself Lift others up Be the change the world needs to see and Become what you dream you can be. Do you Know WHO you are? -Tif(2011)

I Am Worth Alot

In a brief conversation, a man asked a woman he was pursuing the question 'What kind of man are you looking for?' She sat quietly for a moment before looking him in the eye and asking, 'Do you really want to know?'Reluctantly, he said, 'Yes.' She began to expound... 'As a woman in this day and age, Iam in a position to ask a man what he can do for me that I can't do for myself. I pay my own bills. I take care of my household without the help of any man...or woman for that matter. I am in the position to ask, 'What can you bring to the table?'The man looked at her. Clearly he thought that she was referring to money. She quickly corrected his thought and stated, 'I am not referring to money. 'I need something more. I need a man who is striving for perfection in every aspect of life. 'He sat back in his chair, folded his arms, and asked her to explain. She said, 'I am looking for someone who is striving for perfection mentally


It’s amazing how one year, or even a second Can change the entire course of your destiny forever We were BIRTHED TO RULE In a SACRED SEASON And RELEASED IN TIME to have DOMINION GOD enriched our lives for the better this year Through individuals we would never have thought To be used as His vessel. Two distinct individuals showed us that all it takes is people From one place(culture) to network a harvest of souls for a NOW word to Bring release Blessings come in ways we don’t expect them; In a blinding disguise we don’t understand God works in mysterious ways God has transitioned us for prosperity: Look ahead...We’re getting ready to reign In order for the people of God to completely catch And grab a hold the vision, God had to do a quick move, No questions asked...That was preparation for what’s to come I’ve learned that although mistakes are made, God gives us the power to either dwell on them or Turn away from them and make so