Respect for Women

**This is an excerpt from an article I read online about Respect for Women. Some words may be harsh, but it's TRUTH and some girls ARE taught at an early age that sex BEFORE marriage is okay and that it's okay to do and act unladylike in certain situations. I pray that God uses me to help shatter this myth of deception.

** In 1 Thessalonians 4:3-8, the word tells us: 

3 For this is the will of God, your sanctification; that is, that you abstain from sexual immorality; 4 that each of you know how to possess his own vessel in sanctification and honor, 5 not in lustful passion, like the Gentiles who do not know God; 6 and that no man transgress and defraud his brother in the matter because the Lord is the avenger in all these things, just as we also told you before and solemnly warned you. 7 For God has not called us for the purpose of impurity, but in sanctification. 8 So, he who rejects this is not rejecting man but the God who gives His Holy Spirit to you.

Women can’t expect men to be both respectful of them, but also lustful towards them. Women can’t expect men to behave cordially around them, if women themselves are saying “come here” with their eyes and fingers.  

Women can’t expect men to look away from women the more of themselves they put on full display.

So, how does any man – how is it expected any man will – as a boy who learns in school that having, and experimenting with, sex with girls is a normal part of adolescence and growing up, then grow up to respect women after he has spent his teen years “making friends with” as many teen girls as he could?  And girls are being taught the same thing as well, with regards to boys and their bodies.   

It’s a dangerous double standard being played by women.Teaching kids sex at their age, and sex before marriage is normal, does not instill respect in one another.  

Whether boys and girls abstain from sex before marriage or not, the longer they hold off into their adulthood, until they are married, the more respect they will have for one another and the fewer unwanted pregnancies and STD’s that will result.

There is absolutely nothing “prudish” or “backward” about boys and girls, young men and women, waiting to have sex until they are married.  Women can’t demand all men stop looking upon them as mere objects if they themselves are the ones giving men the green light to “go”.  Women can’t demand men stop their “sexist” attitude towards them if they themselves have the attitude that sex in an unmarried relationship is normal and acceptable.  

Women can’t blame men for degrading them if they are degrading themselves by being so sexually open with their bodies.

-Jay Hafling

** Ladies, we must respect ourselves in every area of our lives. Never think you have completely arrived or have overcome an issue to where you don't need wisdom, the enemy can use this against you and bring the wrong person or people into your ear.

** I am here to help and give advice where it is needed. I once believed that I had to dress a certain way to gain attention, and guess what? I got that attention and was unprepared for what happened and often gave in to what I thought was right at the time or got scared because I really didn't know.

** It was not until I turned 22, that God began to deal with me concerning who I am in Christ, and he began to surround me with people who told me to get over it, but I never dealt with it personally until I began to pray and make that decision to never get involved in another unhealthy relationship, people who will tell me the TRUTH, and always make sure the right friends are around me to hold me accountable. Now I have an entire family of Spiritual Sisters and Brothers to help me if I need it. Also, a mother and mentor who desire to see the GOD IN ME continually rise UP.



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