Abstinence & Starting Over...It's possible!

*This information was posted by one of my spiritual sisters, it inspired me and I am led to share and not condemn anyone, because most young ladies and single women don't realize that they CAN start over and need this.

*I didn't have anyone to tell me this information, I was just told to stay away from guys and the type of girls that they liked. I realize that some parents don't know HOW to address this topic and that's okay-I thank God for NOW. I do THANK Veronica Seaboorne for speaking unwaivering TRUTH as God leads and I pray this blesses the reader.

(Waiting Until Marriage)

If you WAIT UNTIL MARRIAGE, you can:

Know that a person likes you because of who you are and not because you will “go all the way”

Have self-respect and respect from others because of standing firm and accomplishing a goal

Know trust, honesty and patience

Experience peace of mind

Develop true intimacy

Have a clear conscience

Discover the true meaning of love

Have healthy relationships

Share a bond with your spouse that no one else has shared

Focus on communication skills and develop non-sexual relationships

Have a solid foundation as you enter marriage

Look forward to a very special honeymoon!


Secondary virginity is a decision to abstain from sexual activity, starting with today and continuing until the day you get married. It’s an opportunity to start over. Your physical virginity may be lost, but virginity is more than just a physical state. It’s an attitude, a frame of mind. It’s manifested in the way you look at yourself and others.

Secondary virginity is a time to change bad habits and heal past wounds. It allows you to clean and renew yourself prior to marriage.

Why do people choose Secondary Virginity?

Young adults say... “I didn’t like being used.”

“We were so much into sex that we never became friends.”

“Just because I made a mistake doesn’t mean I have to keep on making the same mistakes.”

“I’m going to wait because I have hurt a lot of people as well as myself and I want to change my life for the best, for me and for my future children.


1) Make a firm commitment to save yourself for marriage from now on, and believe you can do it. (Because you can!)

2) Get away from people, places, things and situations that weaken your self-control. Sometimes the healthiest thing we can do is avoid people who tempt us.

3) Avoid intense hugging, passionate kissing and anything else that leads to lustful thoughts and behavior. Anything beyond a brief, simple kiss can quickly become dangerous.
4) Find non-physical ways to show your love and appreciation.

5) Remember that anyone can start over. Including you! When you focus on commitment and self-discipline, you can control your impulses.

Living a life of purity can be tough in today’s society, but know that you do not have to struggle alone. God stands ready and willing to help you. He loves to hear the prayers of His people, so pray and ask God for His assistance. You may utter your own prayer to God or simply use the prayer for purity listed below.

Lord, I love You and I want to please You. Thank You for loving me and for providing this opportunity to come into Your presence. I know that You honor Your Word and Your Word says, that if I confess my sins, You are faithful and just to forgive me of my sins. So right now, I thank You for filling me with Your Spirit and I humbly ask that you forgive me for my thoughts and actions that have grieved Your Spirit. I desire to live a life of purity and I want my very being to be aligned with Your Word.

I know that I am unable to live a life of purity without Your help, so I ask that You lead, guide and direct me in Your ways. Thank you for giving me the freedom of choice, but please help me to make wise choices in every area of my life. Despite what the world says is acceptable, help me to see sin as You see sin. Make me uncomfortable in my sin and in the things that displease You.

Another prayer is:

Lord, Your Word says, if I love You, I will obey You, so from this day forward I choose to honor and obey You. I want to live for You and I surrender my life and my will to You. Mold me into the woman of God You are calling me to be. No longer will I be bound by my past mistakes and failures. I am walking forward in the newness of life.

Lord, I don’t want to be selfish in my prayer for purity because I know I’m not the only one struggling to live a life of purity, so I pray not only for my purity but for the purity of others. Please help me not to cause anyone else to stumble. Also, help me to be an example of Your love and grace. Remind me of Your forgiveness that I may not judge others, but offer an encouraging word when they stumble.


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