How Long?!

Okay, so I thought I’d share this. It caught my eye a few minutes ago- think I wrote this last year or the beginning of this year. I don’t know if this was mean to be a poem and not sure what I was going through.

I’m guessing it’s the moment I questioned God and asked myself: Am I just functioning, am I in the will of God and this isn't where I’m supposed to be!

How Long?
I was reflecting on this year and how grateful I am to be where I am, and at the same time, disappointed, thinking how and why did I get myself into other things, and God said” How long are you going to mourn over this? Be regretful over that? Stay there and you know that’s not your place? I’ve moved on...

Too many times we sit back, looking and wondering what could’ve, should’ve and would’ve been done to prevent circumstances in the dimension God has us in; when it’s long gone from God’s memory, you’ve grown and finally focused where weakness once was.

“The spirit of LIFE has set me free’(Romans 8:2)...”The mind controlled by the spirit is LIFE and PEACE”(Romans 8:10)

It’s a joy in knowing what is considered a setback to us(sometimes flesh & self)is really a setup to mature and elevate us right where we need to be.


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