
*Thought I'd share, this is identical to what my mentor has been teaching me on Wisdom & Knowledge
Wisdom and Knowledge of God
by K. J. Kehler
"For the wisdom of this world is foolishness to God." (1 Corinthians 3:19).
During my Bible reading one week I began to reflect on how little any one person knows and how limited one person's wisdom is.

Each of us have some insights, knowledge and wisdom, but the scope is usually fairly narrow and limited to our sphere of influence and knowledge--our world. We are good at what we do and have gained wisdom and knowledge regarding our special interests and experience. But if we were suddenly placed in a new, unfamiliar position or found ourselves in a foreign city unable to speak the language, not knowing how to find a bathroom, we quickly  become aware of limitations. Our knowledge and experience will not help us. We need someone to help us.

When we consider the seven billion people in the world - each having wisdom and knowledge about life in their world - we realize how little wisdom each of us as individuals possess. Compared to God--next to zero! Now then, think about the wisdom of God. He knows everything and is all wise. Even if we compiled all the wisdom and knowledge of everyone in the world and measured it against God's wisdom, it would still be almost nothing.

Also, when we realize that everything we know and everything we have comes from God, we cannot think ourselves wise, but only be humbled before Him.

the "wise advice" Job's friends gave him when he had lost everything? They thought they were very wise. Job himself questioned God about why this disaster happened to him. God was not impressed by any of them. (Read Job 38 to 41)

When we begin to recognize that our life is about God, not about us - that is the beginning of wisdom.


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